Howdy ya'll! So I figured it was high time to add a little Blog roll to this website. So welcome, to those who don't already know me or my work; and welcome back to those who do.
For the past few weeks I've been keeping myself seriously busy working on a project for the ARTCRANK show here in Boston that happened last weekend. What an awesome show! I participated last year and was super excited to be invited back to do so again this year.
It was a show of firsts for me, thats for sure. Leading up to this I had never even once in my life touched screen printing equipment. It's always been something thats eluded me. That changed for this show as a great friend of mine who was school in screen printed, set up a small studio in her basement storage unit and showed me the ropes. After much trial and error, we got through it and I ended up with a pretty sick print. My extra prints from the show will be going up in my shop this weekend! Each print is signed and numbered. Take a gander and pick one up if you are so inclined!
Peace out and thanks for looking!